Javier Lopatin

Javier Lopatin

Assist. Prof. of Remote Sensing

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Javier has worked as a researcher at the University of Chile and at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany). His research areas focus on landscape ecology and ecosystem ecology, using satellite and drone remote sensing data. Some of his research topics include biodiversity estimates, ecosystem properties and functions such as biomass and belowground carbon, floristic composition of plant communities, detection of invasive species, fires, and land use changes, among others, using machine and deep learning methods.

  • Plant Traits
  • Radiative Transfer Models
  • Time Series
  • Deep Learning
  • PhD in rer. nat., 2019

    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

  • Diplomado en Geomática Aplicada, 2012

    Universidad de Chile, Chile

  • Ingeniería en Recursos Naturales Renovables, 2011

    Universidad de Chile, Chile